Innovative Business Partners
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“I am writing to express my appreciation to you and the IBP team for extraordinary service and value delivered to Genzyme…Your interest and willingness to invest valuable time to understand our strategy and organizational challenges in the context of Genzyme’s complexities have provided tremendous leverage in focusing for results…We are now operating with a new found energy and efficiency thanks to you and IBP. “

David Kent
Vice President, Security

Security 101

“Great! Awesome! That was one of the best workshops I’ve ever been part of! These were just a few of the statements shared by our franchisees about you from our last Owners Meeting. For me personally it was a sobering presentation, just what has happened to our country that we are okay with “okay” customer service. Your Extreme Customer Service workshop was truly enlightening...

Everybody claims they provide great customer service but you epitomize it! You open our minds, shared real life experiences, useful ideas to implement and kept us entertained –what a great time!”

Steven J. Crespo

Intelligent Access Systems

“I am writing this letter to commend you for the recent seminars that you have conducted for the employees at Intelligent Access Systems. I have heard nothing but high praise for the Extreme Customer Service seminars and for you personally...

Your work with us is so much more comprehensive than just seminars, but that’s what the majority of the company observes. From the leadership of this company, I think I can say thank you for all the things that you do for us. From me personally, I just want you to know that I think the work that you are doing reflects great credit on yourself, your business partners, and the entire industry. “

Ronald L. Oetjen

Ultraguard Protective Services

“I believe the most successful part of your consulting has been the complete transformation of our culture… Your various programs on “team building” have brought our people together and they work better together and the measurement is in how we have improved our customer service (with regards to how our staff serves each other and our customers).”

James D. Baker

VPNE Parking Solutions

“Joe is an invaluable resource to us at VPNE. Joe is a member of our Executive Team, a Strategic Partner as well as an Advisor and Coach. Joe's expertise has added significant value with our business development, process improvement, budgeting/cost analysis, team building, training and overall strategy.”

Kevin J. Leary

Safer Places, Inc.

“There were many great things that came out of that workshop, but what I’ll always remember was Joe’s simple response to my statement when he said, “Why not?” We explored the benefits of my company providing this additional customer service to all levels of my client companies as well as some of the perceived obstacles. This discussion changed the way I thought about providing what Joe calls Extreme Customer Service.

From that workshop was born Safer Places, Inc. University (SPIU) which is a series of free webinars designed to help our clients understand the complicated world of background checks and how to get the most out of them at the least cost.

Thanks Joe for providing that little adjustment to my thinking. Your program helped to change my belief about who my customers actually are and how I can provide them with Extreme Customer Service.”

David Sawyer, CPP

Corporate Security Sony Electronics Inc.

"Thanks again for an eye-popping presentation on marketing!" April 29, 2010

Ken Wheatley MA, CPP
Sr. Vice President

International Association of Professional Security Consultants

“Thank you for the great presentation on Creative Sales and Marketing™ at our IAPSC Conference in Savannah, GA. I wanted to let you know that, even though we had many great presentations over the course of three days, the members selected your presentation as the #1 presentation of the conference.”

Norman D. Bates, Esq.

Executive Intellect

“Joe's Clouatre is a visionary with incredible insight into solutions to business roadblocks. Joe’s coaching has been extremely valuable.

Joe's creative nature lends itself to enable others to turn business fears into a game plan for success. Whether you are trying to start a business or resurrect an existing one… Joe will show you how to hit the ground running, turning dreams into reality.”

Carolyn Tomlin

Executive Coaching Seminars and Workshops Client Testimonials IBP Case Studies
  • Good Guy bad Guy
  • Whizzkids
  • Königin Mutter

Creative Sales and Marketing™
Sales and Marketing, which are two different disciplines, lie at the heart of any organization.

Extreme Customer Service®
In most industries today, customer service has disappeared. We are at a point where we accept poor customer service as a general rule.

Team Building For Success™
For any organization to be successful, it must have a strong team in place that is working in unison...

Executive Coaching
In today’s fast paced environment, managers are wearing multiple hats and are so involved...

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